
Why We Love Higher Education and How You Can Show Your Love Too!

February 14th, 2014
Higher Ed Heroes Graphics (Presentation) (1)
Stacey Holderbach
Vice President of Development and Administration

February 13, 2014 | Written by: Stacey Holderbach, Grants and Administrative Manager, Campaign for College Opportunity

The Campaign for College Opportunity is passionate about higher education. We know that an educated citizenry leads to a healthy and prosperous California. And we know that nothing does more to improve the happiness, health, and well-being of Californians than a college degree. So, on this Valentine’s Day, it is important for us to take a few moments to recognize our love for all the good things a college diploma does, not just for individuals, but for the State of California, as well. Let us count thy ways:

1. College graduates contribute significantly to the state’s economy – for every $1 California invests in higher education, it receives a net return of $4.50; and past graduates of the University of California and California State University provide ongoing returns to the state averaging $12 billion annually;
2. College graduates have the skills they need to get a good job to provide for their families and live comfortably – Californians with a college degree will earn $1,340,000 more than their peers with only a high school diploma;
3. College graduates end the poverty cycle for their families;
4. College graduates depend less on social services and recover more quickly from job loss than those without a degree; and
5. A college education is an investment in human talent that encourages innovation and leads to economic well-being for the graduate and the industries that employ them.

We’re on a mission. We want to ensure that every Californian has the opportunity to not only go to college, but to succeed in college. We pursue this by working with California’s elected leaders to implement public policies that support college going and success; by releasing informative research that clearly defines the obstacles students must overcome to get a degree and the benefits to having a degree; by working with high profile print, broadcast, and social media to elevate our message of college opportunity for all; and by engaging over 8,000 community, business, civil rights, philanthropic and student leaders to lend their voice in the fight to ensure the promise of a college education. We’re working to keep future generations educated so that California has the workforce it needs to remain competitive.

We’re devoted to a bright future. For students, for businesses, for communities, and for California. And you can help us. If you value higher education, if you have benefited from a college degree, if you believe that every student should succeed in college, if you want a strong economy, and if you believe the work of the Campaign for College Opportunity is making a difference, make a contribution today. Share your love for higher education!

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About the Author:

Stacey Holderbach is the Grants and Administrative Manager for the Campaign for College Opportunity.

To read her bio, click here.
