Press Statement: On Final 2015-16 California Budget for Higher Education
Colleges and Universities in CA receive $1.1 billion boost
Focus on expanding enrollment, financial aid and improving transfer, time to degree, and remedial education.
The Governor and Legislature are to be commended for passing a strong higher education budget that puts students first. This budget, which boasts $1.1 billion over last year, balances expanding access to our four year public universities while investing in and calling for improvements in student success.
We welcome the agreement that was reached between the Governor and Legislature on enrollment growth funding for both the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU). The additional $25 million to the UC to increase enrollment by 5,000 undergraduate students by the 2016-17 academic year will ensure that more qualified California students will be able to attend. Furthermore, the additional $97 million to the CSU to enroll an additional 10,400 undergraduates by fall 2016 will open up the doors to thousands of qualified students, many of whom the system was forced to turn away since the onset of the Great Recession.