
Statement on Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) new poll on Californians and their Government

January 29th, 2015

Californians want our colleges and universities to work better

California’s colleges and universities are in great need of our support, but they also need to be more innovative and accountable to improving student success.

We are encouraged that the latest survey by PPIC found that half of California adults favor increased spending on education. And we agree with the large majority of respondents that funding alone will not solve all of our higher education challenges.

It will take a commitment to reform to give California’s voters, parents and students confidence that their taxes and tuition dollars are being well spent and that our education systems deserve continued and increased financial support.

Important steps have been taken by college leaders and policy makers, but to keep up with California’s growing and diverse population and the demands of our economy for better-educated workers, even greater strides are needed. And that is possible.